About the ACM
/ About / About the ACM


Orthodox college ministry began in earnest in Annapolis when Holy Cross Antiochian Orthodox Church hired a full time youth director & pastoral assistant in 2002.

With the encouragement and direction of Fr. Gregory Mathewes-Green, Fr. Robert Miclean developed college ministry at St John's College and The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. At that time there was no Orthodox presence on either campus. In 2003 both ministries became official Orthodox Christian Fellowship chapters.

ACM Today

Since that time, Fr. Robert has pastored, catechized, and mentored several students on their way to Baptism and Chrismation.

The Annapolis Pan-Orthodox College Ministry was formed to intensify and make full time this ministry that God is using to change lives.

Under the direction of the Board of Directors, Annapolis College Ministry currently consists of two local, accredited chapters of the national Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF). Fr. Robert Miclean meets regularly with students at the U.S. Naval Academy and at St. John’s College in Annapolis, respectively.

Weekly Readers Vespers and studies in the Orthodox Faith are held at both campuses as well as daily services throughout the week at St. John’s. Additionally, Fr. Robert Miclean meets regularly with inquirers for catechism and Orthodox students to help them in living out their faith.

Take a look "Inside Annapolis College Ministry" for our Vision, Goals and more!

We Need Your Help

A number of volunteers are also stepping forward to help develop this ministry. Will you help bring Christ and His holy Church to the students of these two historic colleges?

In order for this ministry to continue to grow and meet the ministry needs of these two campuses, we encourage you to give sacrificially. A monthly contribution will help ensure the future of this vital ministry. Contribute today!

These monthly commitments will help us to keep the employment of a full time Chaplain to maintain a strong Orthodox pastoral presence on the campuses during the day. Students lead very active lives and often find it difficult to leave the campus. This is especially true of Naval Academy students who are not always permitted to leave. Having full time on-campus ministry available to students is a primary goal of Annapolis College Ministry. Please help us in any way you can with a monthly pledge or one time gift. Contribute today!

Annapolis College Ministry • 11126 Tuckahoe Road, Denton MD 21629 • 262-844-2369  • fr.robertmiclean@gmail.com

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